Step1: Download list game and save to Download folder.
Step2: Back to game and enjoy!
List game iN*E*S 8bit in this list file:
1. Con*tra.
2. Sup*er Ma*rio Br*os.
3. Jac*kal.
4. Bat*tle Ci*ty.
5. The Leg*end of Ka*ge.
6. Adven*ture Is*land I.
7. Road Figh*ter.
8. Rus*h'n Att*ack.
9. Str*eet Fi*ghter III.
10. Dou*ble Dr*agon II.
11. Bom*ber*man I.
12. Circus Charlie.
13. Mo*ai *Kun.
14. Pac*man.
15. Ri*ver Ci*ty Ra*nsom.
16. Me*ga Ma*n.
17. Fi*eld Com*bat.
18. Fr*ont Li*ne.
19. Yie A*r Kung*Fu.
20. Gun Sm*oke.
21. Gala*xian.
22. 1942.
23. 1943.
24. Cap*tain Tsu*basa.
25. 3 Ey*es.
26. Dou*ble Dri*bble.
27. Exci*ter bi*ke.
28. Volleyball.
29. Don*key K*ong.
30. Muscle Tag Match.
31. Sup*er Con*tra.
32. Ku*nio Nekk*etsu Soccer.
33. Bat*man.
34. Base*ball Figh*ter.
35. Bomber*man II.
36. Tenn*is.
37. Adven*ture Is*land II.
38. Adven*ture Is*land III.
39. Lode Runner.
40. Me*ga Man 2.
41. Me*ga Man 3.
42. Me*ga Man 4.
43. Me*ga Man 5.
44. Me*ga Man 6.
45. Batt*le Che*ss.
46. Dr. Ma*rio.
47. Sup*er Mar*io Br*os 2.
48. Sup*er Mar*io Br*os 3.
49. Othe*llo.
50. Pac*man II.
51. Tetris.
52. Tetris 2.
53. Tom & Jerry.
54. Ninja Gai*den Epi*sode III.
55. Top Gun.
56. Silk Worm.
57. Tec*mo Cup. Soc*cer Game.
58. Chip 'n Dale Rescue Rangers.
59. Castlevania.
60. Captain America.
61. Duck Tales.
62. Duck Tales 2.
63. The Little Mermaid.
64. Flintstones.
65. Ice Hockey.
66. Gold Medal Challenge'92.
67. Hammerin'Harry.
68. Hostages.The Embassy Mission.
69. Yo! Noid.
70. Cobra Triangle.
71. Blaster Master.
72. Tecmo World Cup Soccer.
73. Karateka.
74. Kung Fu Master.
75. Double Dragon I.
76. Double Dragon III.
77. Popeye.
78. Pinball.
79. Balloon Fight.
80. Lunar Ball.
81. Dig Dug II.
82. Golf.
83. Antartic Adventure.
84. Urban Champion.
85. Side Pocket.
86. Dodgeball Bu.